Multipet logistics

Cameron –

Victim Location 94560

Total money lost $1,500

Type of a scam Online Purchase

On May 20th my boyfriend and I fell victim to a scam. And with this I do hope to raise awareness and help stop the next person from making the mistake that I did. On May 19th I reached out to a company named Joy Main [censored], a maincoon kitten selling company, about their kitten Simba. The morning of May 20th I received an email that stated

“ Hi ,

Thanks for the interest in our Maine [censored] kitten. Simba is still available and ready to go to a new home. he has been recently Vet-checked & 100% Healthy, de-wormed, on shots, and potty trained. We offer one year health guarantee and also offer free life time support and advice for all customers especially first time cat owners to ensure your kitten is healthy and has a long life expectancy for the love and concern we have for all our litters and also recommend a constant update of all our kittens in their new homes to be sure they are well taken care of.

We sell Simba for $300 but firstly, We will appreciate you getting back to us with the answers to the following inquiries below before we proceed with the adoption process to be sure your house can make a good home for him.


Pet Name : Simba

Breed : Maine [censored] kitten

Sex : Male

Age : 10 Weeks

*Price : **$300

Additional information: Absolutely ADORABLE,

Simba is a very pleasant cat to have as a companion. He is easy going,love to climb on my wife laps when watching tv. Simba is a fiercely loyal, loving cat and will attach himself to every one of his family members.He loves to play, He doesn’t need hourly attention. If he is in the mood to play, he will find someone and bring a toy to that person.Simba also plays well by himself, and he is a good companion for single people.


Getting a good home for him is the most essential thing we have ever wanted. So i have some few questions for you which I hope you get back to me with the answers sincerely. I just want to make sure that he is getting into the right home. Hope you don’t mind?

-Where precisely are you located ?

-Have you ever raised or owned a cat before?

-Do you have a near by vet clinic in your area ?

-Does your environment accepts pets ?

-How soon do you need him ?

-Your contact number will be appreciated

We are sorry for the questions, its just that we prefer a caring family, as the answers would help us to know if your home would be the best place for him as all we need is just a new loving and caring home for the baby.

We will also like to let you know that we do NOT place any of our kittens in homes that will practice unprofessional breeding for Money making with little or no love and care giving to them. All our kittens are re-homed for PET PURPOSES ONLY. So as long as you can make us understand that you will share the love in your homes with these kittens, we will consider placing one or more of our kittens to your home.

Text or call me at (726) 888-6046

Best Regards” I replied and answered all of the question that Hans Pena, the man who runs Joy Maine [censored], to where he decided we would be a good fit for Simba. We agreed upon the price of $300 for the kitten and $198 for the shipping service of Simba. So $500 to cover the kitten and travel fees which would include any documentation that would and could be needed during the travel of the kitten from Texas to Ca. Hans Pena said he would take care of all of the paperwork and set everything up with the carrier company who then would email and get in touch with me. About 2 hours after the money was sent I received a text from Hans stating that the paper work was finished and that within the next half hour I should receive and email from the carrier company who will have all the information from there. At exactly 30 minutes later I received an email from Multipet logistics who send me an email which I have attached below. When I hit the link and entered the tracking number everything worked perfectly! Soon after I received the email I received a phone call from my “representative” who would be keeping me updated and ensure I receive my emails during the 7 hour journey that Simba would be talking. After our brief phone conversation the man (who still hadn’t told me his name) said he would talk to me later and then hung up the phone. Around 12:00 I received and email saying my kitten had made it to the airport and everything checked out with the vet and the kitten was just waiting to board the 2:30 flight. At 12:30 I received an email that stated

“We are now at Airport with your Kitten and We wish to inform you that our Vets have conducted all the test on your kitten and your kitten is fine,healthy an will be ready to board the final flight to your location any time soon.

The kitten has now been checked at the Pets quarantine Department and all the registrations papers, health certificates and passport are correct .

Due to the age of the kitten, you are required to Rent (Hire) a different CRATE for the safe delivery of your kitten.

Reasons for a change of Crate !!

1: The Delivery crate of the kitten have to be changed from a Ventilated crate to an Electronic Thermal Crate . The ventilated crate does not contain potty pet space , water bowl and food cane .

2: The crate is too small for the relaxation of the kitten on the flight . Due to the above reason, the crate has to be change from a ventilated crate to an Electronic Thermal Crate.

3: We are experiencing an unfavorable weather condition and transporting the kitten in the ventilated crate will be detrimental to the health of your kitten .

4: We need a Thermal Electronic crate during this period of shipping because it has a TEMPERATURE REGULATOR which will be regulated according to your kitten’s body temperament there by maintaining a constant body temperature.

5. It is a Regulation by the Pet Quarantine and Pet Abandonment Department to ensure Pets Safety.

From the above reasons, the kitten can not be transported in the original crate. The crate has to be changed and we have to use but an Electronic Thermal crate to ensure the safety of the pet on the flight to your location. We have these crates in our agency in different varieties and PD

(power drive ). Here are the various available Electronic Thermal crates listed below:

Thermal Electronic crate 0150 PD————-$2000


*Thermal Electronic crate 088 PD ————$994


Thermal Electronic crate 100 PD ————-$1500


We do not sell the crate to our customers but we offer them for a hire or rental terms to safeguards your kitten on flight. The money paid for the rental of the crate will be Fully Refunded Back to you by the delivery agent who will come to deliver your kitten at your address. Since the sender of your kitten sent the kitten using a ventilated crate, when you will be picking up the kitten at the airport or if the delivery agent will be doing the delivery at your address, he/she will come along with the Ventilated crate, to do the changes and have your money paid back either cash or by check. We request that you make a choice from the above list of crates and choose the type of crate you will like your kitten to travel in, for safety.


Note: The higher the PD, the more safety and guarantee the Kitten have on the flight.

We are waiting on your swift respond on which crate to use so we can provide you with the company’s details for payment.

We want to be able to reserve a good crate for your Kitten and we want you to treat this as a matter of urgency.”

Very shortly after the email I received a phone call from the carrier (who still at this point hasn’t told me his name) stating I need to pay for the crate but it’ll be refunded and that the payment for the crate they recommend would be $998. When I heard this I was pretty confused. Was the crate suppose to be covered? So at this time I went online looked up Multipet logistics and noticed that they stated they provide all the crates necessary for travel. I reached out to Hans Pena, the seller, and asked him if this was a pretty common thing. He told me not to worry that it’s jusy routine and the only thing I needed to worry about was “baby.” Still very hesitant I received another call from the carrier asking me to go to Walgreens or an ATM to wire transfer the money. I politely declined. I informed the carrier I wasn’t comfortable with money wiring as there is no way to track where it has gone. If there was another way then maybe I would consider. He told me that it needed to be done and there is no maybe about it. It’s an urgent matter. He said “let me talk to my cashiers a minute and see what we can do.” And then hung up On me. Which is odd? Why not just put me on hold? 10 minutes later he called back and said if I would like to I could Zelle the money to them. Where he also attached an email from the financial department that stated


Accept warm greetings from the entire staff of Multipet Logistics.

All payments for Crate fee are to be done using Zelle for quicker processing and confirmation so your kitten should not miss the flight.

Zelle email ….. [email protected]

Name……. Nadege NINANTAN


The reason of payment is FOR SIMBA so we know it is from you.

Email us a screen shot of payment confirmation once it is done.”

So I proceeded. I should’ve listened to my gut tho and cut my loses right then and there. But trusting that people are good and the seller telling me how good Christian people they are and they would never scam I chose to trust them. Something I will not do again. For about 4 hours I heard nothing. At this point my kitten was suppose to be on the plane with their carrier on their way to my home. At 4:30 I received another call from the carrier asking if I received the email. I had been out and about so I hadn’t even looked. When I opened the email it stated

“Good Day

This is the TN pets control Department .Your maine [censored] arrived in a transit flight . We have run a series of test on the kitten and confirmed he has all the necessary requirement such as ;

Vaccination ….( DHLP-P, and Bordetella)

All Life Insurance (any fee is full refundable)

Crate ** Temperature Regulated Crate 880 PD

Refundable fee assigned to Rebecca Lyn .

Your kitten Has Been Confirmed Ready For Delivery but after the last and final check up , We noticed he still need some very important and vital documents before delivery can proceed into your state. Your kitten has been and is being well taken care of at the custom pet care department so be rest assured of his safety .

Requirements And Documents Urgently Needed – Included in refundable fee

Related image

Cite Permit ………….. (Urgently Needed)..Cost …$450.00 USD Refundable Upon Delivery

USDA PERMIT ……………………… (Urgently Needed) …Cost .. $800.00 USD Refundable Upon Delivery

Total Amount Needed Which is 100% Refundable upon Delivery Of your kitten is: $1250.00 USD

Important Notice

In order to prevent the spread of abandon animal across state lines, the pet control departments and other state agencies have created rules and regulations which govern the transportation of livestock, companion animals, equines, and other animals. Any pet or animal entering or going out of any state/country will have to get a valid cite permit and USDA PERMIT from the custom duties ( these documents must be Attached to your kittens Cage for fast verification) . You are required to quickly effect a payment for the effecting of cite permit & USDA PERMIT which will enable the kitten have permission to stay in your state and city with no problems. Kindly note that If this payment is not quickly effected , the kitten may or will be held and sent to quarantine for 6 months and you will be charge for pet abuse/abandonment . We will advice you to sort out the payment as soon as possible and return to us with confirmation so that your kitten can be released fast delivery .

Summary of Animal Control Services.

Enforces all Animal Control laws, responds to animal related complaints, conducts investigations of cruelty problem situations

Provides an avenue for animal problem resolution

Investigates animal problem resolution through the Animal Control Commission

Provides “weekly” low cost Rabies Clinics to public

Licenses animals to help identify and return lost pets to their owner

Maintains lost and found log to help owners locate lost pets

Inspects and licenses kennel operations including dog fanciers, cat fanciers, pet shops, grooming parlors and commercial boarding kennels

Provides and services humane traps for bite cases, aggressive animals and wildlife in homes

Patrols county for stray animals

Provides 24 hour per day animal related “Emergency Service” throughout any County

Provides an “Adoption Program” to place stray, abandoned and unwanted animals in suitable new homes

To encourage adoptions, a Spay/Neuter Clinic has been established to allow animals adopted from Animal Control to be spayed/neutered, vaccinated against rabies as well as given initial vaccinations and worming at a minimum cost.

Provides a “Humane Education Program” where humane educators speak to school classes, community associations, civic organizations, etc.

Provides citizens who observe animal-related violations affidavit filing and services

Encourages adoption of pets through reputable rescue leagues and law enforcement agencies.

Provides “Foster Care” program for under-aged and newborn animals

Performs humane euthanasia by certified euthanasia technicians

Provides facility tours and participates in community and at fairs as part of overall educational program

Provides shelter, and care to all stray animals

Carcass removal from roadways

Provides medical care to sick/injured stray animals

Provides Domestic Violence Animal/Victim Protection Services the Animal Control Commission



Custom Service Representative

Livestock Corporation

The pet Custom agency

Country U.S.A.

Thanks for your understanding, waiting to hear from you.


Director | ???





This email contains information which is CONFIDENTIAL and that maybe subject to PRIVILEGE. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not peruse, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this email or attachments. If you have received this in error, please notify us immediately by return email, facsimile or telephone and delete this email”

At this time I was already on the phone with the carrier and I wasn’t having it. I told him that this isn’t my responsibility in my agreement the seller stated all documents would be covered and I was not going to pay for something that I wasn’t suppose to. I told him that if he needed that to be payed then he needed to get in contact with the seller. At this time the carrier became extremely aggressive telling me this needs to be done. It’s for you and your kitten so we can provide the best service possible it’s for the kitten. You get the money back he was telling me. Where I told him if I have to pay for these papers why can’t I pay for them myself after I have received the kitten. $1250 is a lot for documents. He continued to keep arguing where he then told me his name was Mitchell and why would his company put their name on the line if this was a scam. I told Mitchell I never once said anything about this being a scam to him so why is he jumping to that conclusion? We argued on the phone over and over where I continued to tell him that I was not paying any more money than I already have. I spent $998 for a crate and I had spent $500 on the kitten. I was not spending another $1250 for papers. Mitchell proceeded to hang up on me. Where he then tried 10 minutes later to call me back as the “manager” at this time I got in contact with the seller. The conversation went with a lot of them telling me I was ruining the kitten. They continuously kept pleading with me to just pay and it’ll all be ok. I continue to tell them that I didn’t just have $1250 to throw away. That isn’t pocket change. They continued to plead where they even said they would try to see if they could cover half. But they only had $550 to their name. I continued to keep telling them that this wasn’t part of the deal. I wasn’t informed of this and if I was I would’ve declined. After a 30 minute discussion with the seller I received an email from the Multipet logistics that stated “DEAR CLIENT WE ARE WE UNDERSTAND YOUR WORRIES BUT IF WE DONT GET THIS DONE THEN YOUR KITTEN WILL BE STORK HERE ON TRANSIT AND IF AFTER 14 HOURS NOTHING IS DONE THEN THEY WILL HAVE TO QUARANTINE YOUR KITTEN THEN CHARGE YOU FOR PET ABANDONMENT ,MORE YOU KNOW THAT ALL THE FUNDS WILL BE FULLY REFUNDED TO YOU ON DELIVERY OF YOUR KITTEN




At this time I started to do a little digging of my own. The IP address for the website that they had given me was where as if you good Multipet logistics their IP address is one S not 2. The actual google site my tracking code didn’t work where as the IP address they sent me my code works. After further research I realized I had fallen victim to a scam that had seemed to have taken place multiple times before me but with all different animals. Same exact story with the same house address of the seller and all the same information I have just given. If I don’t get my money back life moves on but I just hope to bring awareness to this to hope that one day these people will be caught and shut down.

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