Mega Millions Sweepstakes

Gregory –

Victim Location 23323

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

Scam call received from "Mega Millions Sweepstakes." Sorry I don’t have the phone number they called me from. They claimed I won 1.5 million dollars and a car, but first I would have to wire them $500 to cover the taxes for the car.

Alexis –

Victim Location 77429

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

Entered by Staff SE 6/20/19

Consumer received a phone call from the scammer stating that he was the big winner of cash and a car. The consumer asked if he could have additional information about his winnings, so the scammer asked if they could fax the information. Once the consumer received the 5 page fax, it contained a copy of the $5.5 million dollar check that was made out to him. In order for the consumer to obtain his winnings he would need to pay $730.00 for a processing and registration fee.

Rodney –

Victim Location 79072

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

My mother lives in Plainview, Texas. She began receiving phone calls about a month ago from two men, Nelson Baker and Chance Cooper. They claimed she had won a sweepstakes through Better Homes, saying that she was entered through a purchase at someplace she shopped, probably Walmart. They claimed a Mercedes and a 36.5 million Payoff would be delivered to her and all she had to do is go to the post office and register so it would show she is not a felon and that she can legally claim the prize. She was rude with them on two calls, but they kept calling. They said they would show up on the day she chose, take pictures, then go to the bank with her. Where she would deposit the money and when it cleared, she would need to write a $10,000 for the IRS. She told me and i called the BBB, they said it is a scam and that they are working on her to eventually get her to send some money. They advised not to answer, or to answer and tell them they have been reported. Then fill out this for the data base.


Pedro –

Victim Location 74055

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

Person called multiple times staying on the phone for a few minutes at a time. Told my grandma she won millions and a car. Has not asked for money yet but it’s coming I can feel it. Gave his name George Williams and said she would need to go to the bank with him and a female federal reserve agent to deposit check. Had manager to get her address, name, and DOB but she won’t give him anything more. Have filed complaint with Federal Trade Commision and calling the actual lottery people tomorrow.

Dane –

Victim Location 38039

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

I recd a phone call at 2:00 PM this afternoon and I spoke to a female who stated I won 2 million dollars from a sweepstakes. I was asked to send $370 to Thomas Wood, 65 Ball Rd, Hastings, NY. I was to go to Walmart and get a moneygram. I guess that’s about all. She was going to call me back after lunch. After they receive the money they would deliver the money and new 2017 Mercedes Benz. I did not send the money because I was apprehensive it may be a scam.

Lydia –

Victim Location 27909

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

I was contacted by phone (Apirl 7th,2016) by someone who said he was from (Mega Millions Sweepstakes).He said I was the 2nd place winner and I had won (2.5 Million Dollars),and a (2016, Mercedes Benz).And he was standing right there looking at it.He went on about how (LUCKY) I was.How he himself was going to pull up in my driveway with my car and at my door and hand me my Big check.Oh! he even gave me his name (Mr.James Johnson).How bout that?So he said: you know for the 2.5 million & the car you will have to pay (TAXES) on them?And then he told me how much I would have to pay.It came to $383.00 and I was to go to Walgreens or CVS to pick up (2) "Paypal Mycash" cards.He said he would call me later in the afternoon to (Register) my" PayPal" cards.And he would personally come the next day with my Car & Money.Well he even gave me a contact # for me to call him back if he doesn’t call me. Boy! he thought he was "Good".Well I just knew it was a Scam when he started asking for "MONEY". But I knew for sure when I checked my caller ID and the number was from….Get this…(Jamaica). So I called Walgreens and she said you could put any amount on that card you wanted to.So be "WARE" if it sounds too good to be true…then it usually is!!! "NEEDLESS" to say,He hasn’t called me back….

Steve –

Victim Location 83756

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

I received a call from "Mega Millions Sweepstakes" stating I had won 2.5 million dollars. They wanted to me to go to Rite-Aid and Western Union or MoneyGram $595 to an accountant in Reno. They said once I did that someone would come to my house and give me a check for the winnings. They said I would have to show both my drivers license and passport in order to get this prize. They gave me a number of 876-873-9600 to call after I sent the money.  

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