Carlos – Apr 02, 2020

Scammer’s phone 207-370-2699

Scammer’s website

Scammer’s address 58 Forest Ave, Portland, ME 04101

Scammer’s email [email protected]

Country United States

Type of a scam Fake Invoice/Supplier Bill

Initial means of contact Email

We found an RV listed for sale in the Las Vegas Review-Journal and began communicating with the seller, Rhonda E. Harrington. We got a text from the seller’s daughter, referring us to her and asking for our email; that number is (702)660-7544. We received details about the RV and a number of photos. When we expressed interest in purchasing the RV, she referred us to ME Expert Logistics, a company we felt we had researched and found to be legitimate.

They advised us that the purchase would be made using Coin Base (, and we proceeded to research that company and felt it, too, was legit.

So the transfer happened. $19,890 from our bank to Coin Base, then traded into bitcoin and then sent to the supposed “escrow account” with ME Expert Logistics. The RV was to be delivered in 1 week.

Then they emailed us with news that they needed $4000 more for a cleaning & sanitizing “tax” due to COVID-19. This struck us as irregular and we cancelled the deal. They assured us that the money would be refunded “within one hour.” Nope.

Now when we try to call, the number says its been disconnected. If we call from a different phone, it will go thru and they call back but the calls are never completed. The telephone number listed is 207-370-2699. When we call the original number from the ad, it rings then says “the text mail subscriber is not available.”

Needless to say, we feel stupid and used, and our faith in humanity has taken a direct hit. I wish we could go back 24 hours and click on that one link that led me to this page. DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY.

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