Lending tree

Jerome – Sep 16, 2020

Victim Location 95828

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

They claim I was approved for a loan, and I told them I wanted to borrow $8000, and I was told I would be paying back $188 for 48 months, then we discussed my routing number and account number, but when they asked for my user name and password, that’s when I told them that they couldn’t have that information, because all they needed was my account information to make a deposit in my account, and that was my personal information, and the young man hung up on me, so I sent him a text message and this is what he sent me: Me: I’m Reporting You to BBB….Him: please report, call FBI also, what the [censored] do you think that they are sitting and having chit chat in office and waiting for call beggars like you, you [censored]ing piece of s***…Me: Nice Language, Nice Manners, Babe ????????????

Derrick –

Victim Location 34453

Total money lost $2,100

Type of a scam Counterfeit Product

I was dealing with a guy Marcel Brown very nice talker. He said he worked for Lending Tree because I was trying to get a loan but he said I needed to build my credit score up so they would put money in my bank then I would get a card (Google Play) and fill it with the money they put in my account and they did that four are five times but to find out the checks they were putting in my account was not any good so now I owe Suncoast Bank over 2 thousand dollars andmy credit score is really bad now I hope you can help me with this I am 74 and all I am trying to do is get back home

Rachel –

Victim Location 35761

Type of a scam Credit Repair/Debt Relief

In our searching for debt consolidation, I believe our info was placed in the hands of this company/individual. They offered a too good to be true offer and when the contract was sent, it had typos and looked fishy. They then began to be super pushy for us to do the loan until we requested ScamPulse.com registry info and loan officer registry info. 

Shawn –

Victim Location 79068

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

Im in the process of buying a home.

I recieved an email saying that I had been approved for a $10000 loan. And that I just needed to call to verify so funds could be deposited. I called the gentleman had my information. He then asked about my acct info. Then wanted me to give him the online banking info to deposit the funds. I told him no and to not contact me again.

Brittney –

Victim Location 64076

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

He is clearly from India but his name is Austin Williams?

He said I needed to give him all of my log in/ password for my bank account

Nina –

Victim Location 71953

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

Was contacted by what sounded to be a reputable loan company (Lending Tree) with a proposition of a loan . Foolishly applied a few web sites for a loan and this Lending tree left a text on my phone about the loan. I called the number and they wanted to deposit into my bank then me return part of the money as part would be to pay a insurance policy since I am on SS and over 70. I agreed and then they wanted the debit card info. a little strange but I went along with it then after all said and done I get a email the next morning my account is locked and I should take actions to unlock it so the loan can be processed. Notifiying the bank they tell me the lock is for fraudulent purposes as they had confidential information about this and put a hold on the check. Today I get 3 USPS mails from the bank one which is a photo copy of the check with my signature on the back, its not my signature so now forgery is involved . I can’t get help any where, I notified the Columbus Ohio Police they declined my claim, Arkansas State Attorney General says its not important or something or other. The ScamPulse.com wont reply. I am sure there is anther scam happening with the same credentials as I got another email from Lending Tree with the same paper but different phone and address. Lending Tree declines all help . There is also another which sounds the same but with a Calif phone and address of Lending Club that has the same credentials as this scam. To me sounds like a big ring across the USA on this and no one is interested .

Gina –

Victim Location 71953

Total money lost $25

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

As stated to the ScamPulse.com I got myself involved in a scam that was very clear, and I was a fool to fall for it, so I want to help put these people in prison. I got an email from what I thought was the real Lending Tree saying I was approved for a loan of up to 10K $ . but I only wanted only $2K they made a great deal and I fell for it . I was to provide a bank and they preferred Regions or US

Bank I opened an account at Regions on line over Memorial weekend. This Lending Tree wanted the debit card numbers and password, well with no money in the account and my personal accoun was safe I supplied what they asked for, at my age I was to pay a insurance premium for the life policy for $2k then they would release the money to my account . I got an email from them on the morning of the 5th saying the account was locked and I was to get it unlocked to finish the loan transfer. I called Regions and the account was locked due to fraudulant activity and a bad check deposit,now I am responsibile for the bad check and a charge for the bad check of 30% .

Now I received yet another email that has the same credentials as the scam I got into only different phone numbers and addresses . I also had one from San Fransisco about the same ,this is getting to be one big scam ring .

Lets take them out and put them in prison. They do have an accent as a Iranian or Turkish or something to that effect .

Cindy –

Victim Location 71953

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

I foolishly fell for a online scam by accepting a loan I had applied for online (stupid yes). I had applied on line for a loan and some how came in contact with this so called company and with the name of Lending Tree I thought to be legit. I was asked (almost forced ) to make a new bank account at Regions Bank the day before Memorial Weekend. Lending Tree was to deposit some amount and I was to pay it back as an insurance premium as I am over 70 and they required a insurance policy on my age. This morning an email from them said the account was locked , I called Regions in Alabama as I opened the account through them online . I was told the check deposit was fake and this was a scam , now the account is locked , I am responsible for the $1500 deposit, I owe 30 % for the fraudulent deposit I didnt’ make and I will not be able to open another Regions account . I am royally screwed on this deal and need help . I have sent emails to the so called Lending Tree and no replies yet . Lending Tree I sent an email complaint to and they agreeed it is a scam and gave me this link to file yet another complaint

Joseph –

Victim Location 71953

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

I foolishly fell for a online scam by accepting a loan I had applied for online (stupid yes). I had applied on line for a loan and some how came in contact with this so called company and with the name of Lending Tree I thought to be legit. I was asked (almost forced ) to make a new bank account at Regions Bank the day before Memorial Weekend. Lending Tree was to deposit some amount and I was to pay it back as an insurance premium as I am over 70 and they required a insurance policy on my age. This morning an email from them said the account was locked , I called Regions in Alabama as I opened the account through them online . I was told the check deposit was fake and this was a scam , now the account is locked , I am responsible for the $1500 deposit, I owe 30 % for the fraudulent deposit I didnt’ make and I will not be able to open another Regions account . I am royally screwed on this deal and need help . I have sent emails to the so called Lending Tree and no replies yet . Lending Tree I sent an email complaint to and they agreeed it is a scam and gave me this link to file yet another complaint

Melanie –

Victim Location 32208

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

I was trying to obtain a loan for $2000. I was scammed out of my personal information and banking info. There was an attempt to deposit a bogus check into my account. I was initially told that the $980 and change was to verify that my account was active and that I was to send the money back. Once I did, in 10 minutes I would be approved and receive the loan I was requesting.

Troy –

Victim Location 33076

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

I received a text message and email address stating that I was approved for a loan of up to 10,000. They told me that in order to fund my loan they would have to verify my bank account information. They told that they would do an initial deposit and that I would need to send it back and then they would fund the full amount. After I felt this was not fair practices. I told them I was no longer interested in obtaining a loan. They told me that they already deposited the funds and that they would contact the police department. They continue to call. I have filed a police report with my local department.

Lucas –

Victim Location 34104

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

I needed a loan so I looked online and filled out a form for Lending Tree, putting in my banking information such as account and routing number, name adress, SS, etc.I received a call, and text that I had been approved for $10,000 loan.

I contacted this fake Lending Tree , and was told that they had to wire me the $10,000 through Western Union, because they could not put it into my account, and that I had to pay an upfront fee of $150.00 for the western union fees. When they asked me for money a red flag went up, so while on the phone with these scammers, I typed in Lending Tree, and found the real Lending Tree’s phone number, and pretended to drop the call with these scammers, and told the real Lending Tree what was happening, and asked them if these scammers worked for their company, and it was confirmed to me that Lending Tree’s services are free, and that they never charge for their services.They gave me an email adress to forward the fake loan documents that the scammers emailed to me, and the the scammers had the nerve to call me back while I was on the line with the Real Lending Tree people, and they kept contacting me, and each time I deleted their texts and calls, and I truly hope that these scammers are caught.

They need to get up off of their lazy duffs and get a job, and earn an honest living! The nerve of those scammers!

Linda –

Victim Location 49345

Total money lost $2,500

Type of a scam Other

The company told me that I was approved for a loan. I thought was legit so I gave them information. They then had me send money back to them to prove I was who I said I am. My bank called from the fraud department and we did a conference call. A guy named Michael called the lady names. Which also flagged them as a fraud.

Randy –

Victim Location 38116

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

I received a text message from a guy by the name of Stephen Hobbs stating that I was approved for a loan up to $10,000. I gave my debit card information and they went into my account and disputed two payments that was made from my account so that my bank would credit my account. Then he told me that I had 10 minutes to go and get the money out and send it back to them before they could deposit me the $10,000 into my account. So I called my bank and they told me that it was a dispute filed by me on my car note finance company and I said that I didn’t authorized them disputes which was in the amount of 523.66 twice. Please don’t fall for this like I did. Their phone number is 2-210-390-4956 and the company name they used was Lending tree.

Lacey –

Victim Location 75217

Total money lost $100

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

Originally when i was called i told them that if they were scamming asking for money to leave me alone. Don’t be one of those company’s asking fbi need a Allan but i have to pay a fee upfront. I was told that no that was not necessary and they this company was approved by the BBB. I was told that after approved i would be given a loan. Then i was told if my credit scarred wa sleds than $700 i would have yo option onenofnoating a insurance to cover my loan or thsomething second option would be to pay 5% of Lon to show i was able to repay loan. I was told i would need to get a amazon gift card and take a picture of back and front and send it to email. Now I’m told the l An is approved but i have to send $200 to the lenders to send my loan from the bank. So now i realize it’s a scam they steady tryna drain and peel more and more money out of me.

Lindsey –

Victim Location 34748

Total money lost $325

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

Scammer emailed and called me ensuring me that I was approved for a loan that I desperately needed. Sent emails about needing to pay a state tax for transfers. I naively believed him and sent the money over and never received the funds. I even received emails from the Florida dept of finance in regards to this loan and it still turned out to be a scam.

Tracy –

Victim Location 63901

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

They called saying they could help me with a loan. I was told I had to take out $550 and they would send me a loan of $1000. They also told me not to tell anyone.

Heidi –

Victim Location 48103

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

Says your approved for a loan but wants your bank app username and password. Nit only do they call you. They get you to call them.

Casey –

Victim Location 25570

Total money lost $1,500

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

A man named Eric called me from two numbers saying he was from lending tree I also talked to two other people from that company they said they was giving me a loan they stopped my bills threw my bank and took 800$ from me at the time I didn’t know and they had me send money through Wal-Mart I have the Wal-Mart slips with me they said they was building my credit so that they could give loan. They have took over 1500$ of mine.

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