Drive Concept By Budweiser

Jeremiah –

Victim Location 57078

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

On 2/26/18 Mark Jordan at [email protected] wrote. " Welcome to the Budweiser Drink vehicle advertisement program, A specialist who will install the decals on your vehicle has been allocated and your payment will be scheduled. You will therefore receive your payment alongside the money that will be paid to the national car specialist. When you get the payment, you will take out your first week pay of $500 and give the rest to the specialist, this is to afford mutual relationship between you and the specialist. A paycheck of ($2850) will be mailed to you, out of which you will take out your first weeks pay of ($500) and send the rest fund deposit into the Specialist Bank Account, being payment for the installation and removal of the decals after the program. We need you to confirm the following so that the account department can issue out your payment; How long do you intend to carry the advertisement on car? One (1) month, Two (2) months or three (3) months? Do you use your car everyday? Also reconfirm your name and address as it should be on the check an your complete mailing address for your payments. We look forward to a great exposure of our products from you. Regards" I originally on the 2/20/18 responded to an advertisement saying that Budweiser was looking for advertisement vehicles and would be good money. Today 2/27/18 I received the following text from 818-583-7021 " Hi its Mark regarding the car wrap payment of $2850 has been delivered yesterday please text back Brandi L". Then also today I received this email from [email protected] "Hello. We like to bring to your notice that our representative have mail out payment to you and we have been informed that Payment of $2850 was sent. Payment covered decal expenses and your first week payment for our "Budweiser" Auto wrap Advertisement placement on your car via USPS. As soon as the payment is received. Kindly go ahead and have the check deposited to your bank account. Deduct $500 as your weekly wages with extra $50 for your running around expenses and have the rest balance $2300 sent to specialist that will put the advert on your car. He has some other cars to wrap in near you. Specialist will make all the necessary arrangement for the supplies needed for the wrap placement on the car once the payment is received from you. Specialist advice to split the money into two to avoid delay in receiving the money. Below are the specialist information you are require to send the fund to via Walmart-Walmart & Money gram money transfer at Nearest Walmart store closest to you: Send $1150 via Money gram Money Transfer to : Thomas Morell 2009 Knights Ct. Plano Texas 75069. Then send the rest of the $1150 Money gram Money Transfer to: David Martinez 2009 Knights Ct. Plano Texas 75069 We will like you to email the Money gram transfer details for confirmation upon completion of payment within 24 hr you receive the check. 1. 8 digit Money-gram Reference #/9 Digit Walmart-Walmart reference # as appeared on both receipts 2. Sender’s full name and address 3. Total amount sent after money gram charges. 4. Best time and location you want the specialist to wrap your vehicle. Thank you Note: Budweiser will take full responsibility for placing and remove decal on your car and it will not cause to any damage. you are entitle to receive $500 weekly wages for carrying out our decal on your care and upon the process for the wrap placement, you will receive an agreement form to sign by the specialist the same day the wrap will take place at your residence. Acknowledge receipt of this email immediately. Kind Regards.

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