
Brandon –

Victim Location 78750

Total money lost $240

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Revive draws you in from an advertisement on facebook or similar media and their website uses fake credentials to say that famous people support their products so you feel comfortable ordering the sample DO NOT ORDER the sample. They will charge you the $4.95 to ship the sample, which is fine, BUT if you don’t return the "sample" within 15 days (they have to receive it) they charge you $119.95 for face cream AND $119.92 for the eye creme. On a completely separate link in very small print they have pages of Terms and Conditions that describes this and NONE of that is presented to the buyer when ordering your sample. This company should be SHUT DOWN. Why are they still allowed to do business?

Alan –

Victim Location 48872

Total money lost $119.95

Type of a scam Healthcare/Medicaid/Medicare

Very bad company. They advertise a free sample for $4.95 shipping and handling, but they charge your credit card for $119.95. They will not refund your money for the total amount.

Mallory –

Victim Location 10025

Total money lost $120

Type of a scam Online Purchase

After you buy a trial lotion for $4.95, they automatically sign you up for a monthly shipment of a facial cream that costs $120 each.

Sheila –

Victim Location 33157

Total money lost $479.74

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I purchased a trial for shipping cost only, nowhere in the online order did it state you would be signed up for auto shipments. Charges in the amounts of $119.92 and $119.95 started to appear on my account for a total of $479.74 as opposed to the $9 shipping charges which they also initially charged. Contacted by phone no answer, sent an email to their customer support requesting to cease all auto-shipments, returned products by FedEx for proof of shipment and requested a refund. Still waiting. This company is misleading on what they are providing and what you are getting. This is a scam.

Joy –

Victim Location 98902

Total money lost $200

Type of a scam Other

free product just pay shipping

Zachary –

Victim Location 63129

Total money lost $119.99

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I purchased a "free sample", as the website indicated and paid the $4.95 postage and handling. 2 weeks later the company charged me $119.99. I called my bank, then called the company. They told me I had signed up for their "program". I told them that was not the case and demanded refund. I told them also I had not used the sample and would return it. They offered 25% refund, which I said was not satisfactory. After talking to a "supervisor", I was given the address and told I could get a refund when they received my return in about 4-6 weeks!

Maria –

Victim Location 91043

Total money lost $389

Type of a scam Online Purchase

From Helen Clark,

Pobox182, Tujunga, CA

To Whom It May Concerns,

This company, reRevive used free sample giving away hoax, through, charged me without my permission total around $389, twice each month from May to July on my Discover credit card ($87.97, $89.76 per months).

The company claimed to my credit card dispute that there were a fine print, if I return the product in 30days, it won’t charge me any more.

But at that time when I gave my credit card number to pay for the free sample shipping of $2.99, I read carefully, there was no statements like this fine print warning at all,which is very misleading that they charge me twice each months ($87.97, $89.76 per months) so far.

This has no company website too. After I return the second shipping, I refuse to accept& sent it back to the senders refuse to receive. But they still charged me after that.

I called the reRevive customer service and asked what’s their website, they gave me a fertilizer company, or which is different company’s web site.

From Google web site,and several other search engine, there’s no any legitimate web site or company info other than customer contact info. Please check their web site by yourself: No web site anywhere!

When I clicked the YouTube company advertisement connection,

the Chinese screen shows up. Some people even reported that this is a fraudulent company in Google search.

Here I’m sending the screen shots of this company search following.

The First page is Google search, under search list, Somebody reported that this

Company is fraudulent too.

Second page is YouTube advertisement, if you click any links, it goes to Chinese page.

Hope to hear from this result and recover all the charges on my discover credit card.

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