
Jillian – Apr 28, 2020

Victim Location 77450

Total money lost $430

Type of a scam Travel/Vacations

JustFly can not be contacted, you can call them and you will be tossed around to different members on the phone until eventually they hang up on you.

My flight was cancelled and they will not provide me with credit, refund, or rescheduling. They are completely taking my money. Any email sent to any of their emails will not get a response, if they even send.

Its absolutely insane, and I can not believe they have not been shut down yet. Do NOT use JustFly.

Kristopher –

Victim Location 29706

Total money lost $761.81

Type of a scam Moving

On Oct. 14th 2019 I made a purchase for an airline ticket. They took my payment and charged my card without providing full disclosure. They never said the flight was restricted or that it was a nonrefundable flight. Long story short I never got on my flight after paying 800 dollars. A waste of time off driving to the airport, paying for parking and now disputing with the bank going back and forth. They provided the bank fraudulent documents stating I made this purchase online and agreed to terms and conditions when this is nothing but a lie! I will never use their service again and I just want to warn ppl abou this fraudulent “service.”

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